Series FT 616 – FT 699

These extraction devices with a frame construction of the filter attachment could be equipped with the filter shaker. The extraction units are equipped with high-efficiency fans that are characterized by excellent performance at low power consumption and low noise. The use of these fans significantly saves operating costs on electricity.

These indoor extraction units can be combined with various types of switchboards that can control the start of the extraction with the machines and open the corresponding flaps on the piping.

The units allow for several waste management options. In the basic version, these are standard waste bags. Emptying by means of a rotary cap is more user-friendly.

A unique solution is the container version LZ, which serves as a reinforcement unit of the existing central extraction where the central extraction no longer has the capacity to connect another machine. This unit extracts specific equipment independently during the shift, after the end of the shift the accumulated material from its collection container is transported to the existing central extraction.

ParametersUnitsFT 616 – FT 699FT 6081 – FT 6172, with rotary valve
Suction capacity (max)m3/h6 820 – 14 0008 800 – 14 000
Underpressure on inlet (max)Pa3 000 – 5 4003 000 – 5 400
Filtration aream2/h16 – 11581 – 172
Connection to hosemm280 – 400315 – 400
Electromotor powerkW3 – 114 – 11
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