Central workshop extraction – attachment for briquetting machine

Mr. Slavomir Peterka from the family joinery in Košumberk asked us for help with a solution to extraction of waste in his workshop. After the telephone conversation we met in his carpentry workshop, checked the working area and started designing optimal solutions to the problem.

Under the circumstances where the workshop was also equipped with a briquetting press, a filtration unit was the only choice. After a few building adjustments and relocation of the press to the desired place we could start with the implementation of the unit. Regarding the distances and concurrence of machines we decided to use a transport ventilator with these parameters; 6 800 m3/h, underpressure 3 000 Pa and only 3 kW motor. We are very happy for Mr. Peterka’s hos­pitality and cooperation. We wish him and his company every success.

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