
Main page | Waste Management | Briquetting

Briquetting has a long tradition, especially with manufacturers of solid furniture, who have a suitable waste for briquetting and can thus recover it in the form of briquettes, reduce dust in the workshop and simplify the handling of bulk waste. Briquetting presses can be very conveniently combined with extraction, which creates a functional and especially unattended waste management system.

However, briquetting is also used in other fields, such as mechanical engineering, where it is possible to briquet chips from machining, by compressing them into the form of briquettes, the material is also free of emulsions and oils.

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References in category

NÁBYTEK ŠUBRT výroba a prodej s.r.o., Hořice, Czech Republic

AZR 600 crusher

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Rafał Cyganik – SCHODY JURREX, Orzesze, Poland

EBS 1200

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Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie, Warszawa, Poland

EBS 800

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Photos from realizations

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