In July 2018, we were approached by C. BECHSTEIN EUROPE s.r.o. from Hradec Králové, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of pianos, with a request for extraction system.

The client chose the EUROFILTER extraction unit, which is equipped, among other things, with a filter shaker system and with a fire extinguishing device.

The advantage of this unit is also the capturing of waste into containers that can be easily handled.

We also agreed with the production management on the connection of other equipment, which was insufficiently extracted by the existing extraction.

EUROFILTER has sufficient capacity to extract even these additional devices.

The installation of the unit and associated piping system took place in February 2019.

The EUROFILTER unit was located on the first floor and the piping led through the floor to the workplace below.

At the end of April 2019, we visited C.BECHSTEIN EUROPE again. We were very pleased with the positive feedback from the employees of the production department.

They also sees the fact that the workplace has finally been rid of the ubiquitous dirt as a great benefit of this unit.

We appreciate the trust that C.BECHTEIN EUROPE has placed in us and look forward to further cooperation.

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